/ideen ()
screenspace entstand letztlich bei diesen füllmusstern, die nicht am füllpunkt zu füllen beginnen sondern ein absolutes muster haben. gut sichtbar hier. ein endloses muster.
meta: das muster ist vor allem. man öffnet nur flächen, frames zum muster. 
/ideen ()
Listing Cultures
2023-02-10 08:58:30
The listing culture is a hybrid between gutenberg galaxis and software. Software was often distributed in the mainframe time as source code ( c ). each system had a different set of hardware, processor. c and co were the platform. You could compile it for your system. 

The listing culture brought source code to the magazines and could be published. first with basic and co for homecomputers, later with checksums, than basic with assembler inlines, than only shortcodes. 
of course by typing in you could learn how to code and solve problems.
/ideen ()
/ideen ()
/ideen ()


Games waren am Anfang einfach kopierbar. Ein Kopierschutz existierte nicht. Die Games wurden dann auch kopiert, was das Zeug hielt. Die Schweiz war prädestiniert dafür, denn sie kannte kein (digitales) Copyright – die Privatkopie lässt grüssen! Damit war das Feld weit offen für alle. Berüchtigt und bekannt waren die sogenannten Kopier-Parties. Häufig waren sie ein Missbrauch der Treffen in den Computerclubs. Erst mit der Zeit entstanden komplexere Schutzmechanismen wie nicht kopierbare Anleitungen oder Disketten mit Löchern. Diese ließen sich nun nicht mehr so einfach umgehen – und so entstand eine Szene von «Crackers».
Abbildung 11: Rudolf Stramm alias Hcc prüft den Code des Spiels WAR HELI und zeigt, wie gut der Kopierschutz eingebettet wurde. So gut, dass das Spiel nicht kopiert werden konnte, in der Konsequenz aber gerade deswegen auch keine sehr grosse Verbreitung fand. Screenshot aus de SRF Doku (Schlumpf/Trinkler 1989).
Crackers dis-assemblierten den Code und hatten damit den unkommentierten Source-Code vorliegen. Nach und nach entfernten sie die Schutzmassnahmen und gaben die Software frei. Meist handelte es sich dabei um Games.
Das Cracking war für viele selbst eine Art Spiel mit einer Spielmechanik. Rudolf Stramm alias Hcc beschrieb es als ein Duell zwischen dem Entwickler und dem Cracker:
“Man misst sich mit dem, der den Schutz gemacht hat. Es ist im Prinzip ein Wettkampf. Darum strahlt es einen gewissen Reiz aus. Es ist eine Sucht”.
Hcc, Rudolf Stramm, Min 15:09, in: (Schlumpf/Trinkler 1989)
Im besten aller Fälle integrierten die Cracker auch noch einen sogenannten Trainer. Damit konnte man sich eine unendliche Anzahl Leben geben oder sich an bestimmte Orte im Spiel teleportieren. Viele Spiele waren mit ihrem hohen Schwierigkeitsgrad nur so wirklich spielbar – so zum Beispiel das berüchtigte Rick Dangerous.
Der Name der Swiss Cracking Association singt im Namen von dem allem ein Lied. Und sie betätigten sich auch im ‘Schweizerischen GameDesign’. So crackten sie die Summer Games (C64, 1984) und ersetzten eine der Flaggen mit der schweizerischen Flagge und fügten dazu noch eine instrumentale 8 Bit Version der Nationalhymne ein. Wer auf die Schweizer Flagge klickt, hört diese Hymne. Das ist gleichzeitig Schweizer Game Design als auch die inoffizielle Hymne für das Schweizer Game Design.
Abbildung 12: Summer Games für den C64 (1984). Mit der Schweizer Flagge und Hymne gecrackt von der Swiss Crackers Association SCA.
Cracken bedeutete letztlich, eine Software und damit Spiele verstehen zu lernen. Und langsam aber kontinuierlich begannen diese Cracking-Gruppen die Programmierung von Spielen zu verstehen. Angefangen hat das bei der Darstellung von Grafiken und dem Abspielen von Musik, dann ging es weiter zur Integration von Spielmechanik – alles war erkennbar und letztlich auch wiederum einsetzbar. Wurden Grafik und Musik anfangs aus den Games extrahiert, kamen je länger desto öfter eigene Grafiken und eigene Musik hinzu. Unter den Mitgliedern von Cracker Gruppen entdeckt man viele spätere Grafiker und Musiker. Cracken von Spielen und Entwicklung eigener Spiele diente also durchaus auch als Startbrett für eine Karriere im Bereich der sogenannten Kreativwirtschaft sowie der IT.
/theorie ()
2022-04-23 14:58:11
code ist magisch, denn er ist in der lage direkt etwas zu verändern, ausgeführt zu werden - nicht auf einem menschen sondern auf einem computer (alias der turing machine, einem vereinfachten menschen). in diesem sinn steckt in jedem computer ein vereinfachter mensch oder anders gesagt ein buchhalter mit stift. 
/code ()
2022-04-24 09:59:04
write for a maschine (and indirect to a human again). 
2022-04-23 15:11:23
If you reply etc. All this you will find here.
2022-08-20 23:25:36
die brustwarzen erzählten in ihrer bewegung zersprungen an hormonen geschichten von zuständen zerrieben an den oberflächen von plastikhaut, die glänzte wie lebender marmor, der kopulierte in ein gestriges schweissiges morgen im weiss berechnender statistischer nässe durch einen mit ‘spring!’ massierten code
2022-04-26 09:48:43
das interessante am screenspace ist seine perspektivenlosigkeit. seine verflachung von allem. 
vgl. ideologie
vgl. gutenberggalaxis
vgl. code
/Persons ()
visuelles / geometrisches konstruieren von 3d. technisch/geometrisches zeichen. 
/theorie ()
/Coding ()
  • don't write specs. Users should consider themselves lucky to get any programs at all and take what they get.
  • don't comment their code. If it was hard to write, it should be hard to read.
  • don't write application programs, they pro- gram right down on the bare metal. Application programming is for feebs who can't do systems programming.
  • don't eat quiche. Real programmers don't even know how to spell quiche. They eat Twinkies, Coke and palate-scorching Szechwan food.
  • don't draw flowcharts. Flowcharts are, after all, the illiterate's form of documentation. Cavemen drew flowcharts; look how much it did for them.
  • don't read manuals. Reliance on a reference is a hallmark of the novice and the coward.
  • programs never work right the first time. But if you throw them on the machine they can be patched into working in only a few 30-hours debugging sessions.
  • don't use Fortran. Fortran is for wimpy engineers who wear white socks, pipe stress freaks, and crystallography weenies. They get excited over finite state analysis and nuclear reactor simulation.
  • don't use COBOL. COBOL is for wimpy application programmers.
  • never work 9 to 5. If any real programmers are around at 9 am, it's because they were up all night.
  • don't write in BASIC. Actually, no programmers write in BASIC, after the age of 12.
  • don't document. Documentation is for simps who can't read the listings or the object deck.
  • don't write in Pascal, or Bliss, or Ada, or any of those pinko computer science languages. Strong typing is for people with weak memories.
  • know better than the users what they need.
  • think structured programming is a communist plot.
  • don't use schedules. Schedules are for manager's toadies. Real programmers like to keep their manager in suspense.
  • think better when playing adventure.
  • don't use PL/I. PL/I is for insecure momma's boys who can't choose between COBOL and Fortran.
  • don't use APL, unless the whole program can be written on one line.
  • don't use LISP. Only effeminate programmers use more parentheses than actual code.
  • disdain structured programming. Structured programming is for compulsive, prematurely toilet-trained neurotics who wear neckties and carefully line up sharpened pencils on an otherwise uncluttered desk.
  • don't like the team programming concept. Unless, of course, they are the Chief Programmer.
  • have no use for managers. Managers are a necessary evil. Managers are for dealing with personnel bozos, bean counters, senior planners and other mental defectives.
  • scorn floating point arithmetic. The decimal point was invented for pansy bedwetters who are unable to 'think big.'
  • don't drive clapped-out Mavericks. They prefer BMWs, Lincolns or pick-up trucks with floor shifts. Fast motorcycles are highly regarded.
  • don't believe in schedules. Planners make up schedules. Managers 'firm up' schedules. Frightened coders strive to meet schedules. Real programmers ignore schedules.
  • like vending machine popcorn. Coders pop it in the microwave oven. Real programmers use the heat given off by the cpu. They can tell what job is running just by listening to the rate of popping.
  • know every nuance of every instruction and use them all in every real program. Puppy architects won't allow execute instructions to address another execute as the target instruction. Real programmers despise such petty restrictions.
  • don't bring brown bag lunches to work. If the vending machine sells it, they eat it. If the vending machine doesn't sell it, they don't eat it. Vending machines don't sell quiche.
/ideen ()



  • TTV1 was the first file-based Amiga virus
  • Its creation was a fun experiment. It was inspired by the boot block based SCA virus which had reached dubious fame due to its very successful spreading and the flaw of overwriting the boot block. Would it be possible to create a self spreading file, thus breaking out of the boot block dread?
  • Development took place between spring and fall 1988.
  • The early code name was HOUZ virus.
  • Thinking up the name we tried to find something that would sound mean and at the same time on the verge to ridiculous. The final name was inspired by a rap band called The Terrorists.
  • The virus does not harm the system. In fact, care was taken to avoid any even unintentional damage.
  • Identity of the authors was kept secret for 30 years. It was officially revealed on March 9, 2019 at the Demonights 008 event in Bern Switzerland
  • "The names have been changed to protect the innocent" shown in the message was inspired by the song Beat Dis by Bomb the Bass. They have sampled it from the Dragnet radio series.
  • The "BGS9" was in fact a clone. Its code is almost identical even including the resident name "TTV1". It got more reach and thus was regarded as the origin.

About the life of the beast

  1. TTV1 installs itself as a reset proof resident module (KickTag/ROMTag) named "TTV1"
  2. On reset the resident module (virus) is called
  3. Execution gets delayed in order to gain disk write access. Therefore Intuition's OpenWindow function is redirected.
  4. As soon as the AmigaDOS tries to open the CLI window the OpenWindow gets called the virus looks for the startup-sequence on the booted disk
  5. The virus is looking for the first command (A) in the startup-sequence
  6. File request windows (e.g. "Disk is write protected") are being temporarily disabled
  7. Virus renames A to $a0202020a02020a020a0a0. This is a combination of none breaking spaces and spaces. The idea is that the user will oversee this "invisible" file.
  8. Virus writes itself as an executable command with the name of A to the disk
  9. Eventually A gets loaded and executed with all its parameters by the virus
The next time the user will boot the disk the virus gets loaded into RAM and step 1 takes place. On reset the horizonal beam position gets evaluated. If the beam position is smaller than a certain number the screen turns black and a message in white letters appears.
/texte ()
2023-02-11 14:57:08
CODE > Graphics (Effects), Sound, SizeCoding > Effect, Synaesthesy  (Creativity Process)
Community > Concurrency > Metagame > Scene
/ZX81 ()
BASIC Programm
2023-03-16 16:08:30
10 and code [new function]

# edit:
a. move in the source code 
b. on the right line SHIFT EDIT
c. edit down > [ENTER]

# run
/c64 c ()


It is a sad fact that the 6502 used in the Commodore64 and other home computers of the 80s is widely believed to have a poor code density when it comes to compiled or wider than eight bit code. The C standard requires computations to be made with ints which work best if they have the same size as a pointer.
The 6502 also has a very small stack of 256 bytes which cannot be easily addressed and thus cannot be used for local variables. Therefore a second stack for variables has to be maintained, resulting in costly indexing operations. The 6502 is also pretty poor when it comes to indexed operations, it has no index with constant offset addressing mode, and requires the y register to be used for indexing.
<applet archive="/web/20010826133850oe_/" code="TrivialApplet.class" width="500" height="300">
 <param name="name" value="imp89"> 
 <param name="email" value=""> 
 <param name="comment" value="i code therfore i am"> 
 <param name="http" value="">
             <param name="editor" value="NO">
  <param name="level0" value="(l)[105(17!8][15(80!1][105(38!8][120(80!5][60(206!4][70(80!4][160(206!4][310(205!3][360(122!1][110(206!1][210(206!1][260(205!1][360(143!1][360(205!1][360(55!7][10(206!8][360(78!6][360(101!1][65(140!4][65(160!4][15(140!4][180(35!1](/l)">
<param name="level1" value="(l)[65(215!2][115(215!2][165(215!2][215(215!2][265(215!2][315(215!2][365(215!2][180(65!2][60(154!5][365(140!5][115(150!8][310(140!8][165(150!6][230(65!4][130(65!4][10(215!4][255(145!1][255(125!1][255(165!1](/l)">
<param name="level2" value="(l)[170(72!5][170(93!3][170(54!1][170(13!2][170(33!2][115(11!3][220(12!8][220(33!8][220(55!8][220(76!8][220(94!8][115(95!2][115(73!2][115(32!1][115(52!1][65(9!8][65(32!8][65(53!8][65(74!8][65(94!8][65(115!2][115(114!2][170(135!2][220(113!2][245(140!8][245(160!8][245(180!8][245(150!8][245(170!8](/l)">
<param name="level3" value="(l)[300(133!2][250(134!1][110(34!5][195(18!4][195(38!4][195(58!4][195(76!4][195(96!4][195(115!4][195(137!8][0(76!8][45(98!8][95(118!8][140(137!8][275(32!5][395(196!1][345(196!1][295(196!1][160(193!7](/l)">
<param name="level4" value="(l)[380(194!2][180(111!6][330(194!2][280(194!2][230(174!2][180(157!5][130(174!2][80(195!2][30(216!2][130(195!1][230(195!1][180(195!1][180(134!4][180(91!9][180(68!9](/l)">
<param name="level5" value="(l)[62(215!2][85(11!8][85(29!8][85(48!8][85(66!8][85(87!8][185(8!8][185(29!8][185(49!8][185(67!8][185(88!8][135(67!5][135(10!1][135(46!4][135(28!1][135(88!2][85(107!8][185(109!8][110(215!5][160(215!8][185(146!9][85(167!9][85(147!9][185(166!9][400(100!9][350(101!9][300(102!9][350(79!9][350(121!9][210(215!9][260(215!9](/l)">
<param name="level6" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level7" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level8" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level9" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level10" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level11" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level12" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level13" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level14" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level15" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level16" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level17" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level18" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="level19" value="(l)[62(215!2](/l)">
<param name="stone0" value="stones0.jpg">
<param name="stone1" value="stones1.jpg">
<param name="stone2" value="stones2.jpg">
<param name="stone3" value="stones3.jpg">
<param name="stone4" value="stones4.jpg">
<param name="stone5" value="stones5.jpg">
<param name="stone6" value="stones6.jpg">
<param name="stone7" value="stones7.jpg">
<param name="stone8" value="imgs_usr/stones8.jpg">
<param name="background" value="back.jpg">
 <param name="ball" value="kugel0.jpg">
 <param name="schle" value="schle.jpg">
   <param name="shadow" value="true">
Swiss Game Design
2022-06-25 19:17:32
The swiss gamedesign was influenced and even founded by the cracker scene coming from the C64 to Amiga and the other tree was the Atari ST. Around 25 own Games and Ports were created and published from 1985-1997. There was even an own publisher Linel. 
Archimedes 32bit RISC
2022-06-24 08:59:14
archimedes with its risc-processor was still an exception. you could code in basic games like ! virus. 
Ludlow Cottage
2022-07-04 15:54:12
Computer animation for the TI-99 4a home computer, written in Texas Instruments Extended Basic with own and found code.
/depeche ()
/ZX81 ()
/AlgoArt ()
/6502 ()
2022-06-06 11:39:02
“4-Which composing programs have you been using? Which one in particular?”
I discovered Linel's SoundFX about a year before I saw Soundtracker (which I 
hated). The important difference between the two is that SoundFX let you use 
CIA timing so you could match breakbeats perfectly, where as Soundtracker had 
no concept of "BPM". I was trying to make house/dance tracks so I found SoundFX 
was better for that purpose. I later used Noisetracker for making more typical
demoscene tracks (Noisetracker's pattern FX were far far superior to SoundFX's).
Of course, when it came to implementing the playroutine into code - SoundFX 
sucked! (See Magnetic Fields Spaced Out 1 music disk to hear how my music 
DOESN'T work with the playroutine hack.) By the time ProTracker was released, 
you could choose CIA timing, so I started using that.
The king of trackers, as far as I'm concerned, was OctaMED for its synth sound 
editor. I spent so many happy hours making C64-sounding tunes using that (some 
are still available at Exotica's Special section.)
/Antares ()
Founded by Metalwar, Helix and PGCS, 1988.
  • MEGA DEMO, October 1988. Code: Metalwar. GFX: PGCS / Ironhawk. Music: Mr. Last / Metalwar
    Founded by Metalwar, Helix and PGCS, 1988.
  • First ALCATRAZ Copy Party, Geneva, Switzerland, December 27 and 29, 1988.
  • ODISSEY, December 1991
  • ILYAD, August 7, 1994
2022-08-03 12:18:08

Alcatraz was formed in 1988 from the ashes of the more strangely named "Motley Crue Team", by Metalwar (Code, Music), Helix (Gfx) and PGCS (Gfx).

Metalwar was the mastermind behind most of the first productions of the group, until the time of Mega Demo 2, when new creative members like Hornet of Avengers joined Alcatraz.

After Mega Demo 3, Metalwar started to work on his dream Amiga game, codenamed "Ilyad". This shoot 'em up was eventually released in 1989 by UbiSoft. One year later, Metalwar and Helix decided to leave both the group and the scene, leaving PGCS heading the group.

Transpar. Coding
2022-08-06 10:10:31
Show what happens in technology in the visuals or text.
vs Transparency
/amicon ()
Amicom of Spreadpoint has been interviewed by Com and Orlando of Brainstorm at the Escpape and Spreadpoint copy party on Oktober 7th. 

When did you join Spreadpoint ? 
-A month ago. 

Your task in Spreadpoint ? 
-Coder, but in Spreadpoint everybody can do what he wants to. 

For how long have you been programming on the Amiga ? 
-For 2 years. 
What computers did you work on before? 
-Spectrum, Sinclair QL. I did some graphic programming with BASIC. 

What did you program on the Amiga? 
-A 3D-Demo (Summer of 88 for TLB), various intros and copiers for cracked games, Powerutility (sold it), a level editor for a shoot'em up, AMICOM-Kickstart (Antivirus, Copier etc.) 

What are you doing at the time ? 
-I'm working on Demo, called ATOM-demo. 
What's this about ? 
-Colored, shaded, permeating(!) 3D-Objects. 

Your future projects ? 
-3D vectorgrafics, 3D editor (ev. sell it), copier with multitasking capility, various utilities. 

What hardware do you have ? 
-An Amiga 1000  (1.5Mb, Harddisk 20 Mega SCSI), And an Amiga 2000 (A2620 Unix card, 68020 processor, 68881 math. coprocessor, 68851 Memory Management Unit, harddisk 80 MB SCSI, Modem 2400 Baud) 
Tell us something about your Master Seka. 
-It's based on the Seka V3.0 by Kefrens/Promax. It has been reassembled  and revised by my collegue Buddha. 
The main advantages are: 
Better editor commands, a finally working optimize function, auto runback, the workspace can be changed without exitting the Seka. 

Is there anything you want to advise to Amiga coders ? 
-Unfortunetly, there are more and more good programs, recently, which run only on one special Amiga. So I advise to try out the programs on different Amigas and to avoid unproper coding (absolute addresses, selfmodifing code, DBF-waiting-loops running to fast on the 68020.) 
And I hate programs, which you only can exit by a reset! 

Thank you for your answers. 

     Translated by The Acc{sed/BRS
Preferred size rules:
_ Moment you don't have enought bytes
_ Surprise
_ Code golfing stage 
_ Experimenting
_ Restrictions
_ Battle
_ Prototyping
_ Solve the puzzle
_ Different solutions > new ideas > new concept> new other demos > great feeling
- C64 consolen basis, erinnert mehr an eine Console als an einen Computer (Sprite, Hardwarescrolling, Music).
- SID wirklich witzig
Unmöglich viele Modis: High res. Multicolor > Programmierung schwierig. Positiv: Kombinierbar
- Beschränkte 16 Farben > Schwierig etwa eigenes zu machen. 
- Strahlende Farben fehlen.
- Music Coding
- SID wirklich interessante Stücke. 

- Damals Paintingprogramme? > Öfter bessere Computer genutzt wie Amiga/PC (Compiling)

- Schwierig reinzukommen, sogar schwieriger als Atari2600
- Entwicklung über Jahre
- Basic embedded .-(
- Woher kam das Wissen? Die Software? (Magazine?)
- Öfter bessere Computer genutzt wie Amiga/PC (Compiling)
- Ohne Tricks (Sprite Multplexer 8 Sprites viele Spiele nicht denkbar) ähnlich wie beim Atari 2600. Tricks
- Beschränkung bei Shootemups am Schwierigsten bei allen anderen Genres eher möglich mit 8 Sprite durchzukommen.

- Identitätsstiftend aber warum? Einfach übers gemeinsame Spielen?
- Bis heute ungebrochen. Aber mehrheitlich Spieler? Demoszener? 

Gesamte Entwicklung auf einmal da, keine allmähliche Steigerung/Entwicklung über 10 Jahre
Selbst heute, einige Tutorials aber kein Gametemplate. Viel bis heute unterschiedliche Nutzung: Vorallem game und demoscene. 
> Anwendersoftware fast nicht dokumentiert. 
> Neue Games, demos > Anwendersoftware?
'C64 an 8bit console computer on steroids'.
The intellivision was at the same time a real good 16bit system and console and not like the c64 a 8 bit processor with 64k ram. Hell to code for … 
2023-04-17 10:15:52
8bit in everywhere 
- memory
- graphic
- sound
- coding  (branch, length of the code)
> complexity
> seize developping! 
> 8bit damocles sword
>> finding not allover solutions (like gameengines!) - engines for jump and runs, shootemups > special solutions
2023-02-11 14:57:25
Make games copyable. Some cracker groups where in the tradition of information freedom, others learned from cracking software creating software, others had fun, others were in a sport ‘who is first’ and of course also others gained money. 
Why switzerland? and not us? The rumor is: There was no law in switzerland against cracking.
OLIVER Being a pixel guy – the tools were remarkable. We did not have devkit like the Katakis tools or something specified for creating game graphics. I used the editor that came with the Shoot ‘Em Up Construction Kit for sprites, which turned out extremely practical. The Ronny-sprite was created with an C64 editor called Mob-Profi, which provided overlayed hires and multicolour-sprites. The pictures in the intro and end sequence were pixeled in Koala Painter with a joystick, but everything else was more like hacking. I edited the charset with a font editor. The level backgrounds were tile-based maps, so a friend of mine coded one tool for combining 2×2 chars to tiles including the colour – and a second tool for assembling the levelmap like a puzzle game. As setup I had a C128 and Amiga 500 side by side. By the way – there was a TV and a monitor connected to the C128 at the same time, because of the the different video quality and I wanted to be sure that the graphics  looked right on both display types. With our modern mouse or stylus driven tools and those workflow-trimmed programs it is hard to believe that we got things done at all back in the day when we were even lacking fundamentals such as UNDO functionality. However, I have to say that you had full control over the technical specs of the graphics and as a graphic designer you started to think like a coder.
Otherwise, I hardly remember details of the project. At least for the first month, Mario and I were working alongside each other. The intro and the end sequence were finished first. Then it was very intense and determined by crunchtime, the process was sort of first-in-first-out. The progress in code was tied to incoming graphics. Markus composed the new tunes at home far away and we had some issues with the delivery. Nevertheless the whole soundtrack reached us in time and its implementation went smoothly. Still there was no free time at all. In the final weeks weeks it became a kind of competition – like, who needs the least sleep! I also remember that the editing of the levels was pretty chaotic. Three of us worked in shifts and it took much longer than planned.
Oh I almost forgot about the  communication with Virgin. That was the horror for me because I hardly spoke any English back then. David Bishop and I talked English and German mixed, which worked surprisingly well.
2022-06-06 11:46:37
A puzzle game inspired by a puzzle game but i don't remember where and why i saw it. 
Specials: classic music. some users were irritated.
  • Arkanoid/Breakout
  • Create Accounts
  • Own Titlescreen upload
  • Own Levels / Editor
  • Playable for others etc.
Actual Demoscene
2023-02-11 14:57:40
The demoscene was first a spin-off the crackers and became an own culture with festivals, ‘jams’ and contests. Often there are old computers embeded. 
homecomputer 16-bit
2022-07-07 15:44:34
this computers came with an operating system, gui-based and mouse. basic was a prg to use (not anymore line based). there were some new styles of basics coming up like gfa-basic, omikron-basic (atari st). 
and the most games were coded in assembler (68000 was a god processor for assembler). so you had to buy assembler, which was not included. 
2022-04-15 10:31:58
of course mainframe computing was only possible for universities, students or big companies. creating workstation like lilith or next were a middle thing between mainframe and personal computers.
Die Digitalisierung ist ein schwieriger Transformationsprozess, der seit 40 Jahren andauert und gegen den sich grosse Teile der Gesellschaft lange Jahre (zum Teil zu Recht) gewehrt haben. Letztlich geht es um die tiefgreifende Ablösung der auf Menschen-prozessierten-Medien zu auf Computern-prozessierten-Medien, die dann wiederum vom Menschen bedient, genutzt werden. Und selbstverständlich viele neue Anwendungen möglich machen. Die Corona-Pandemie hat nun die letzten Zweifler* zumindest zu Nutzern* gemacht.
Vom Auf-Menschen zu auf Computer-Laufende-Medien
Die Digitalisierung ist letztlich die Digitalisierung des Menschen zur Turing Maschine / Universalmaschine, einem einfachen Buchhalter mit Stift und Papier. Es ist die Kybernetik der 30 Jahre in der Realität, unserer Realität. Es geht um automatisch prozessierte Regelsysteme, die das erst möglich machen. Die Ausstellung zeigt in ihrem Ausgestellten ethnologisch und ethnografisch, was die Digitalisierung so erfolgreich gemacht hat, die Technologie dahinter ist anscheinend verschwunden. Sie ist im Hintergrund, im Handy, im Server (Server?) und ist damit handhabbar geworden. Nun ist sie durchsetzbar, weil sie niedlich und nett ist, was sie nie war. Die Digitalisierung wird zum Oberflächenphänomen und eine Ausstellung zum digitalen Planet schafft es, daran kleben zu bleiben. Ihr fehlt das digitale Herz! Sie ist letztlich nur GUI (Was die Computertechnologie ab 1985 sehr erfolgreich machte und mit dem WWW explodieren liess).
Diese digitale Welt ist nur möglich, weil millionenfach Programme warten, endlos warten auf Eingaben oder weil sie endlos vor sich hinrechnen. Selbst ein banales Programm wie Excel wartet bis der da draussen – genannte – User* etwas tut. Computer, Computerprogramme sind unsere kleinen je eigenen Sklaven, Maschinchen mit weissen Handschuhen.
Often used - enter data from cover or description. 
With more and more photocopiers, often used bad copyable sujets (red etc) or complex systems like rotating discs (several lucas arts games  and were in the mood of the game).
Later the dialog to enter the number/code came in the middle of the game (manic mansion etc). 
Codes were also used to ‘store’ progression.
/BonYx ()
2022-05-21 16:39:50
get the uncommented code. but everything is there. 
/Tracker ()
/AlgoArt ()
Power (Einfluss, Agency)
2023-04-04 08:41:24
Coding gives you power.
Everybody can have its own slave (LCP)!
tribute to?
> tribute - take the best … collage