/modula ()
/sparql ()
/filme ()
gameähnliche filme
2022-04-19 23:42:39
monment aus games
- alternate reality games
- henry (frist person)
verhältnis avatar-user
- surrogate
- memento
- matrix
- open your eyes
- tron
strange welten
- stalker

vr und grafik
- lawnmower man
- ameisenfilm
- dark city
- west world
- comicfilme
comic / stereotyp
- 300
about a game in a game
- existenz
person centric
- true man show
- usual suspect
- groundhog day (täglich grüsst das murmeltier)
- 15 first day
- six sense 
- how to loose a guy in 10 day
Kill Bill
Iron Man
The Revenant
  • Ready Player One
  • Free Guy
  • Harry Potter
  • Naruto
  • Summer Wars
  • Big Hero 6
  • Fight Club
  • Jaws
  • Gremlin
  • Any Sports Movie
  • The Goonies
  • In Time
  • Fifth Element
  • Looper
  • Inception
  • Wreck It Ralph
- Jumanji (Reboot, Action-Adventure)
- Sucker Punch (Beat em' Up)
- James Bond films (Mission based Shooter)
- Scott Pilgrim (Arcade Sidecroller)
- Edge of Tomorrow (Timeloop, Roguelike)
- Seven (Detective Game)
- Hanna (Action-Adventure)
- Avalon (MMORPG)
2022-04-23 14:13:46
html ist eine sonderform des hypertextes: keine unidirektionalen links, verteilt, dafür umso erfolgreicher. 
2022-08-08 23:19:52
ist eine rhizomatische software. selbstverständlich lässt sie sich auch als tree benutzen. letztlich ist ein tree eine spezialform eines rhizoms oder der tree ist eine lesart/gewichtung des trees. so benutzt rhizomz den tree als layer. 
/rhizomz ()
rhizomZprotocol is a protocol embedded in html developped for:
  1. enable free data: make them readable for computers (indirect humans)
  2. create exo-links to different also external websites.
one application is the rhizomZ-platform
where it successfully established itself primarily in the United Kingdom, France, Spain, and the German-speaking parts of Europe.
Alcatraz Pentcost Party 1990 was held at the Centre Culturel du Chene in Aubonne, Switzerland. Alcatraz was originally to have arranged this party (together with Brainstorm) in april, but the original plans fell through. There was a dj with a huge light and laser show, a large screen, around the clock movies and a snack bar, so there was plenty of activities to get into. Separate sleeping quarters were available in a nearby hall. This may very well have been the first instance of females getting free entrance to a demo party. As we know, this became the norm in the years to follow. The winner of the demo competition won an A1000, the second place took home an Action Replay cartridge and some empty disks.
Cracker Journal 19 (march 1990) reported, "Alcatraz' "Pencost Mega Party" on 2nd to 4th of june 1990. Acitivites: Mega Demo Competition, DJ - light and laser show, three little conference rooms, two mega screens, TV and video corner, snack bar, special modem phone line, sport places, about 70 beds..."
Results and information based on Pentcost Party Invitation and party report in Hack-Mag 1 (august 1990).
  • 2nd - 4th June 1990
  • Aubonne, District de Morges, Vaud, Switzerland
Alcatraz Pentcost Party 1990 was held at the Centre Culturel du Chene in Aubonne, Switzerland. Alcatraz was originally to have arranged this party (together with Brainstorm) in april, but the original plans fell through. There was a dj with a huge light and laser show, a large screen, around the clock movies and a snack bar, so there was plenty of activities to get into. Separate sleeping quarters were available in a nearby hall. This may very well have been the first instance of females getting free entrance to a demo party. As we know, this became the norm in the years to follow. The winner of the demo competition won an A1000, the second place took home an Action Replay cartridge and some empty disks.
Cracker Journal 19 (march 1990) reported, 'Alcatraz' 'Pencost Mega Party' on 2nd to 4th of june 1990. Acitivites: Mega Demo Competition, DJ - light and laser show, three little conference rooms, two mega screens, TV and video corner, snack bar, special modem phone line, sport places, about 70 beds...'
Results and information based on Pentcost Party Invitation and party report in Hack-Mag 1 (august 1990).
(Entry is a copy of the Demozoo entry! >
2023-04-16 13:19:38

Our President, Paul Schaerer

As Our President since 1993 he tries to keep the club running. He also tries to "fill" the club-MAGA 
He was born at 1st of April 1954 and is an educated radio-tv technician. 1978 he startet working for IBM and acts as a Hardware Level2 supporter since January 1997 in still the same company. 
Even if he works with "real PCs", he loves MSX. He is a hardwareman and You can see it because he developped a lot of Hardwarestuff. 
->Slotexpander, Modeltrain-controlling and some other hardware. 
His e-mail address:

Our Vice-President, Peter Burkhard

This man is the driven force of SUNRISE SWISS and so also the driving force to developp all the excellent projects released by SUNRISE SWISS. In his professional live he is a salesman who sells courtains. 
During his small free time he likes to play games with MSX and Playstation. He is the guy who everytime finds new software like games, demos and sounds in all over the world. He also holds contact with all MSXers all over the world. To do this, a thing not from MSX is very helpfull to him; INTERNET. 
His e-mail address:
picture of Vice-President
picture of Cashier

Our Cashier, Hans Juergen Rechsteiner

One of the most important jobs in a club is the cashiers job. This is not only his job for the club, but it is also a big part of his daily business. He is the branch manager in a large chain store with stores all over Switzerland.
As an MSX computer-hobbyist, he mostly tries to make titles for his own movies. He also likes it to developp own sounds with his music-module. Another thing he loves is to make bar-b-queues. How all the other things, he also does this nearly perfect. 
His e-mail address:

Our Secretary, Hans Langenauer

His job in our club is, to write everything about our monthly meetings. This is not an easy, but a very intresting job. He also writes all the paperstuff for the club. In his professional live he is a government official in a village near St. Gall. If he don't have to write articles for the MAGA, he loves it to make movies. On every ocassion, he is there with his camcorder. All this stuff, he is editing and cutting with his MSX. That's why he is waiting yearning for the announced digitizer which should be released soon from SUNRISE SWISS. 
Sorry, but he don't have an e-mail. Phone: xx41 x71 385 85 72
picture of Aktuar
picture of Beisitzer

Our Assistant, Marcel Truetsch

As Our Assistant, he is mostly responsible for the editing of the club-MAGA. He is an educated postman and he loves not even MSX but also interneting and gameconsoles. He everytime knows the newest news about Internet helps, and games.
He also is a member of the legendary SUNRISE SWISS which developpes the finest stuff for MSX. He knows nearly everything about the news there and he acts as a kind of public relations manager. So, he seems to be the right hand of Peter Burkhard. 
His e-mail address:
OLIVER Being a pixel guy – the tools were remarkable. We did not have devkit like the Katakis tools or something specified for creating game graphics. I used the editor that came with the Shoot ‘Em Up Construction Kit for sprites, which turned out extremely practical. The Ronny-sprite was created with an C64 editor called Mob-Profi, which provided overlayed hires and multicolour-sprites. The pictures in the intro and end sequence were pixeled in Koala Painter with a joystick, but everything else was more like hacking. I edited the charset with a font editor. The level backgrounds were tile-based maps, so a friend of mine coded one tool for combining 2×2 chars to tiles including the colour – and a second tool for assembling the levelmap like a puzzle game. As setup I had a C128 and Amiga 500 side by side. By the way – there was a TV and a monitor connected to the C128 at the same time, because of the the different video quality and I wanted to be sure that the graphics  looked right on both display types. With our modern mouse or stylus driven tools and those workflow-trimmed programs it is hard to believe that we got things done at all back in the day when we were even lacking fundamentals such as UNDO functionality. However, I have to say that you had full control over the technical specs of the graphics and as a graphic designer you started to think like a coder.
Otherwise, I hardly remember details of the project. At least for the first month, Mario and I were working alongside each other. The intro and the end sequence were finished first. Then it was very intense and determined by crunchtime, the process was sort of first-in-first-out. The progress in code was tied to incoming graphics. Markus composed the new tunes at home far away and we had some issues with the delivery. Nevertheless the whole soundtrack reached us in time and its implementation went smoothly. Still there was no free time at all. In the final weeks weeks it became a kind of competition – like, who needs the least sleep! I also remember that the editing of the levels was pretty chaotic. Three of us worked in shifts and it took much longer than planned.
Oh I almost forgot about the  communication with Virgin. That was the horror for me because I hardly spoke any English back then. David Bishop and I talked English and German mixed, which worked surprisingly well.
2022-04-14 14:10:31
1972: Demo Unix
> Science Fiction: When Harlie Was One  - "Computervirus" 

1975 Schockwellenreiter (Roman)
1979 AI im Netz (The Adolescence of P-1 Roman)
1980 Vergleich Bio - Computerprogramme
1983 AppleII Programm verbreitet sich > Elk Koner

Elk Cloner: The program with a personality
It will get on all your disks
It will infiltrate your chips
Yes, it's Cloner!
It will stick to you like glue
It will modify RAM too
Send in the Cloner!
1984 Theorie und Praxis > erster Demovirus
1986 erste Infektionen
1986 MS-DOS: Indien (free copy) >  Raubkopien > Virus dazu > Bindung an die eigene Software ... > effekt: umbenennung
1987 erster Mac Virus.,
1987 erste Amiga  Virus - SCA