/pmong ()
2022-08-01 09:31:39
peter mario ong ist eine person im change management (consulting) - pendelnd zwischen münchen und zürich.
/aminnet ()
/design ()
/theorie ()
First developing on Atari ST (Assembler) but never published something except a demo for a bbs 1993 (First founded by two brothers). First not released ‘product’. A listing game for Happy Computer. 
Than switched to Macintosh (1995 ). Games in C . And than published over the net (website) or in Maganzines Disc-Magazines as Shareware. Paid first with checkes (almost impossible to get the money for 15$ games), so switched to real money and than to a first worldwide payment service.
Inbetween the author worked produced Flash-Games for advertising and ported a lot of games for Java (Applets) 1996 . 
Afterwards switched to Objective-C on MacOSX with a new name: 
/alltag ()
Giger H.R. (Swiss)
2023-03-28 11:38:31
Giger was an educated as an industrial designer. Afterwards he made art and after working with jodorowski on dune, he joined the aliens-team. He created the slick fast monster in ALIEN. he influenced with his style (developped before in paintings and sculptures) the whole scifi. And so he became also one of the most influencing artist for games like r-type and and and and and …
2023-05-07 09:21:37
Tracker were software - used especially on the Amiga. The most of the music was created in this type of music software. And the people behind the swiss games of the 80ies/90ies even created a tracker and the possibility to use the same framework also in games. 
2022-05-12 09:21:42
Amiga games database with information about every Amiga game ever released!
The Mega-Mighty Swiss Cracking Association is the leading Swiss C=64 and Amiga group. SCA was founded in 1983.
Viele Blogs und Magazine haben zudem angefangen die alten Spiele wieder zu besprechen und hervorzuholen. Damit wurde natürlich auch ein Teil ihrer Kundschaft (die Spielercommunity ist ja mitälter geworden) zu bedienen. Als eines der letzten Phänomene kamen auch die Let’s plays alter Spiele hinzu. “The jumps are almost pixelperfect”. Grosskonzerne wie Nintendo haben auch angefangen ihre damaligen Spiele nicht nur als neue Hardware aufzulegen sondern sie zu aktualisieren und so kommen nun neu Versionen von Zelda heraus, die sich an die damaligen Ideen anlehnen. In der letzten Welle findet nun eine zunehmende Wiedereingliederung der damaligen Entwickler, sowie der Versuch einer wissenschaftlichen Aufarbeitung statt. Immer mehr werden die Spiele auch aufgenommen in die Spielgeschichte verschiedener Universitäten und sind teilweise Prüfungsstoff geworden (ZHAW .-) Je länger die Zeit der Homecomputerspiele zurückliegt, umso mehr muss heute auch erklärt werden. Als Beispiel das Interview mit Roman Werner. 2019
// ich habe diesen text nur geschrieben, um ein bisschen rauszuarbeiten, was alles für themen da drin liegen
das letzte ist natürlich unsere studie .-)
/Tracker ()
2022-07-07 13:23:59
Drop Da Bomb ist sicher nicht vielen Atari-Fans ein Begriff. Könntet Ihr Euch kurz vorstellen?
Wir sind ein Musiker-/DJ-Kollektiv aus Basel in der Schweiz und produzieren Electro, dies zu einem großen Teil mit Lo-Fi-Instrumenten und -Computern. Seit einigen Jahren veröffentlichen wir die erstellten Songs auf unserer Website [1], Records und einigen weiteren Websites.
Unsere Crew besteht aus: Stu (Atari ST, Synths, Effekte), Remo (Laptop, Synths & Samplers) und Dj Rewind (Turntables). Auf unseren Live-Auftritten sorgt unser Laser-Techniker "Dr. Argon" zusätzlich für visuelle Effekte.
/aminnet ()
2022-12-19 14:23:33
telnet 23
2023-04-16 13:19:38

Our President, Paul Schaerer

As Our President since 1993 he tries to keep the club running. He also tries to "fill" the club-MAGA 
He was born at 1st of April 1954 and is an educated radio-tv technician. 1978 he startet working for IBM and acts as a Hardware Level2 supporter since January 1997 in still the same company. 
Even if he works with "real PCs", he loves MSX. He is a hardwareman and You can see it because he developped a lot of Hardwarestuff. 
->Slotexpander, Modeltrain-controlling and some other hardware. 
His e-mail address:

Our Vice-President, Peter Burkhard

This man is the driven force of SUNRISE SWISS and so also the driving force to developp all the excellent projects released by SUNRISE SWISS. In his professional live he is a salesman who sells courtains. 
During his small free time he likes to play games with MSX and Playstation. He is the guy who everytime finds new software like games, demos and sounds in all over the world. He also holds contact with all MSXers all over the world. To do this, a thing not from MSX is very helpfull to him; INTERNET. 
His e-mail address:
picture of Vice-President
picture of Cashier

Our Cashier, Hans Juergen Rechsteiner

One of the most important jobs in a club is the cashiers job. This is not only his job for the club, but it is also a big part of his daily business. He is the branch manager in a large chain store with stores all over Switzerland.
As an MSX computer-hobbyist, he mostly tries to make titles for his own movies. He also likes it to developp own sounds with his music-module. Another thing he loves is to make bar-b-queues. How all the other things, he also does this nearly perfect. 
His e-mail address:

Our Secretary, Hans Langenauer

His job in our club is, to write everything about our monthly meetings. This is not an easy, but a very intresting job. He also writes all the paperstuff for the club. In his professional live he is a government official in a village near St. Gall. If he don't have to write articles for the MAGA, he loves it to make movies. On every ocassion, he is there with his camcorder. All this stuff, he is editing and cutting with his MSX. That's why he is waiting yearning for the announced digitizer which should be released soon from SUNRISE SWISS. 
Sorry, but he don't have an e-mail. Phone: xx41 x71 385 85 72
picture of Aktuar
picture of Beisitzer

Our Assistant, Marcel Truetsch

As Our Assistant, he is mostly responsible for the editing of the club-MAGA. He is an educated postman and he loves not even MSX but also interneting and gameconsoles. He everytime knows the newest news about Internet helps, and games.
He also is a member of the legendary SUNRISE SWISS which developpes the finest stuff for MSX. He knows nearly everything about the news there and he acts as a kind of public relations manager. So, he seems to be the right hand of Peter Burkhard. 
His e-mail address:
/ms-dos ()
/Vectrex ()
vecZ (Vectrex)
2022-06-25 01:20:29
at the end the vectors won. everything is now vector based in games (as an opengl or directx scene .-) more about this in the simple demo sinZ on pouet last year. therefore step back, step into the beginning 80ies with assembler and the vector console vectrex. and of course vecZ is a shootemup the most complicated (timing, a lot of action etc.) thing in those times.
2022-06-24 22:55:17
la1n was the direct next step from imp89. New maschines and a new platform macosx. “Therefore i learned objective-c and coded real object orientated” and switched now to 3d games with opengl. The games were now more an more like gameengines and were object-orientated. But still hardcore coded. This change with the upcoming game engine like torque or unity. 
Therefore the last games from till now were again hardcore coded games like axe (atari 2600 vcs), vecZ (vectrex 2016). 
/ ()
2022-05-21 10:38:55
- Money for archive the past (the objects, the hardware, the software, the memories)
- Make the past searchable
- Archiving the swiss net (.ch) once a year 

add more things
/wipeout ()
/Tracker ()
/Tracker ()
2022-08-03 12:18:08

Alcatraz was formed in 1988 from the ashes of the more strangely named "Motley Crue Team", by Metalwar (Code, Music), Helix (Gfx) and PGCS (Gfx).

Metalwar was the mastermind behind most of the first productions of the group, until the time of Mega Demo 2, when new creative members like Hornet of Avengers joined Alcatraz.

After Mega Demo 3, Metalwar started to work on his dream Amiga game, codenamed "Ilyad". This shoot 'em up was eventually released in 1989 by UbiSoft. One year later, Metalwar and Helix decided to leave both the group and the scene, leaving PGCS heading the group.
Den Crackern ging es selbstverständlich auch darum, bekannt zu werden. Sie versuchten symbolisches Kapital anzuhäufen. Man kann ihre Motivation und ihre Aneignungsweise durchaus mit derjenigen der Graffiti-Sprayer jener Jahre vergleichen, die mittels “taggen” ihres Künstler- und Gruppen Namens auf leeren Flächen der Stadt versuchten, Aufmerksamkeit zu erreichen – zum Beispiel GEN im Zürich der 80er Jahre. Getting Fame oder Getting Up war die Losung.
Abbildung 13: GEN gehörte zur ersten Generation der Sprayer in Zürich, die ihren Künstlernamen überall in der Stadt verbreiteten und dafür simple Tags und nach und nach immer komplexere Formen nach dem Vorbild der New Yorker Subway Graffiti nutzten. GEN, auch Gen Atem (aka Genius), hatte sich schon 1984 mit der New York City Graffiti Legende Phase Two getroffen, in der Casablanca Galerie in Zürich. Die beiden Bilder wurden 1986 in Zürich Oerlikon aufgenommen. Fotos: Beat Suter.
Aus den anfänglichen kurzen Bemerkungen als Text wurden immer komplexere eigenständige Vorspänne – die sogenannten Intros. Hier zeigten die Crackers mit der Message ihres Namens, die nicht zuletzt als Botschaften an die Adresse anderer Cracker Gruppen dienten, ihr Ganzes Können. Dabei versuchten sie alles aus diesen Computern herauszuholen. Diese Intros waren eine Art Graffiti auf den blanken Oberflächen der Games jener Zeit. Die Intros unterstanden nicht den Gesetzmäßigkeiten des Game Designs. Die Spielmechaniken spielten keine Rolle und mussten nicht verändert werden. Es ging lediglich um die Titel- und Credit Sequenzen der Spiele. Es ging um einen visuellen Auftritt, der auffallen sollte. Die Intros mussten gut aussehen und einen Wow-Effekt haben. Mit dem Einbezug von Musik und Animation wurde es aber bald auch wichtig, spezielleres Wissen zu erarbeiten. Die Cracker Gruppen begannen Arbeitsteilung einzuführen mit Programmierern, Grafikern und Musikern.
Aus diesen Intros, die in bestehende Spiele eingefügt wurden, entstand später eine ganz eigene Szene, die Demoszene. Und so kommt es, dass sich im Umfeld der meisten Schweizer Cracker und frühen Game Devs auch immer Demos finden. Diese Szene ist noch immer aktiv und dokumentiert sich bis heute selbst. Man findet fast alles aus den letzten 40 Jahren auf der Website POUET (2000) sowie in spezialisierten Datenbanken. Einige der Entwickler updaten ihre virtuellen Echtzeit Welten bis heute aber auch direkt selbst.
Abbildung 14: Cracks und Demos aus den Jahren 1983 – 1988 werden archiviert und öffentlich zugänglich gemacht über die Website der Swiss Cracking Association SCA (2018).Abbildung 15: Aus dem Repertoire des Crackers Hcc: Solomon’s Key Cracktro, Atari ST (1987).
Hah, I might not be the best to explain Amiga history, but I’ll do my best :) Fish disks were the main way to distribute public domain, open source, shareware etc. before the internet was wide-spread. People would send Fred Fish software, and he’d compile them into individual disks that people would copy. Magazines would have lots of companies that would allow you to order copies of these disks etc. He ended up creating over a 1000 disks this way. When cd-roms became a thing, you could order the whole collection on those. Those were strange times :)
Aminet was the most famous ftp-archive for amiga software. It was run by the same guy that made Brainfuck, Urban Müller. Rather than chronologically like fish disks, it was organized by topic, with readme’s for every file. You could upload to a staging area, and he’d put them in place. Much like fish disks, companies would print cd-roms with the latest from aminet for those not hooked up to the internets (or on 56k modems, which was most people).
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2022-04-13 10:25:54
GameDevs are gamedeveloppers. The name tells also a lot about the idea behind. The most important thing was the technical difficulties. 
Website: Imp89
2024-08-04 18:53:05
check: was this really every online?
The shareware modell was the only that worked in those days. Because to get a publisher for mac was almost impossible.