The MOS designers freely borrowed ideas that they liked—sprites from the TI machine, collision-detection techniques and character-mapped graphics from the Intellivision, and a bit map from their own VIC-20. They then packed as many of those ideas as they could into a predefined area of silicon.
2023-05-07 09:21:37
Tracker were software - used especially on the Amiga. The most of the music was created in this type of music software. And the people behind the swiss games of the 80ies/90ies even created a tracker and the possibility to use the same framework also in games. 
2022-05-21 14:24:19
Game description
Starbirds is a shoot'em up game in the style of old AMIGA shooters like R-Type, Apidya, Wings of Death and many others. The game play is simple: the player controls a space ship (called the Starbird) and tries to keep alive, which is best ensured by shooting as many enemies as possible.
Starbirds features four horizontally scrolling levels, each packed with a huge amount of enemies and guarded by an extra-large boss enemy with big shields and power. The levels are constructed in a way that there are a lot of turn-off's which allow the player to take another path each time.
A special feature of Starbirds is the weapon system, which was inspired by action games like Wings of Deathand Lethal Xcess. There are two categories of weapons, primary and secondary weapons. Each category consists of 8 different types of weapons, four of each category are selected by the player before entering the first level. The player can decide at every time if the approaching enemies should be attacked using the primary or secondary weapon. By repeated pressing of the fire button the primary weapon is fired, by holding down the button the secondary weapon is fired.
The currently active weapon can be changed by collecting weapon symbols, which are left behind from exploding enemies quite often. Blue symbols represent primary weapons, red symbols secondary weapons. Every weapon has five different powers. If a symbol is collected, which represents one of the currently active weapons, then its power increases by one. Therefore it is advantageous to collect the same symbol several times in order to get a weapon with high power. On the other hand, changing a weapon reduces the power by one, therefore too many changes without intermediate power-up quickly lead to a poorly armed space ship with little chance of survival.
The Starbird space ship does not survive hits with enemies, their shots or with the background. Fortunately the player has six space ships available and he can restart the game three times in the last visited level. The game supports four levels of difficulty, which can be selected in the main screen, before entering the first level. Finally the game can even be played by two players simultaneously.
/filme ()
gameähnliche filme
2022-04-19 23:42:39
monment aus games
- alternate reality games
- henry (frist person)
verhältnis avatar-user
- surrogate
- memento
- matrix
- open your eyes
- tron
strange welten
- stalker

vr und grafik
- lawnmower man
- ameisenfilm
- dark city
- west world
- comicfilme
comic / stereotyp
- 300
about a game in a game
- existenz
person centric
- true man show
- usual suspect
- groundhog day (täglich grüsst das murmeltier)
- 15 first day
- six sense 
- how to loose a guy in 10 day
Kill Bill
Iron Man
The Revenant
  • Ready Player One
  • Free Guy
  • Harry Potter
  • Naruto
  • Summer Wars
  • Big Hero 6
  • Fight Club
  • Jaws
  • Gremlin
  • Any Sports Movie
  • The Goonies
  • In Time
  • Fifth Element
  • Looper
  • Inception
  • Wreck It Ralph
- Jumanji (Reboot, Action-Adventure)
- Sucker Punch (Beat em' Up)
- James Bond films (Mission based Shooter)
- Scott Pilgrim (Arcade Sidecroller)
- Edge of Tomorrow (Timeloop, Roguelike)
- Seven (Detective Game)
- Hanna (Action-Adventure)
- Avalon (MMORPG)
/ ()
History of WOG
2022-07-04 18:11:17
1994 kam nicht nur die PlayStation in Japan auf den Markt, auch World of Games wurde am 1. August 1994 von Michael Wyler und Thomas von Arx in der Wohnung der Mutter von Michael und Christian Wyler gegründet. Somit nahm eine Erfolgsgeschichte ihren Anfang... 
Damals steckte die gesamte Spielebranche in der Schweiz buchstäblich noch in den Kinderschuhen. So hatten auch die Produkte noch den Ruf von "Kinderspielzeug" und wurden nur von Gamern, Nerds und Kindern wahrgenommen. Dennoch nahmen sich Michael Wyler und Thomas von Arx der Herausforderung an, ihr Hobby zum Beruf zu machen. Eine Menge Arbeit stand an und liess die lieb gewonnene Freizeitbeschäftigung entsprechend in den Hintergrund rücken. Der Versand von Videospielen musste mit wenig Manpower gegründet und bekannt gemacht werden.
In den folgenden Jahren wuchs die gesamte Industrie und World of Games profitierte entsprechend davon. Geschickt passte sich das Team den Gegebenheiten perfekt an. So war 1997 der Entscheid, nicht nur ein Ladenlokal zu eröffnen, sondern auch das Internetportal zu etablieren, sicher der richtige. Von diesem Zeitpunkt an konnte sich die immer grösser werdende, treue Kundschaft Video-, Brett- und Kartenspiele sowie ersten DVDs bequem von zu Hause aus bestellen, die bereits am nächsten Tag per Post geliefert wurden. 
Zum neuen Jahrtausend kam eine neue Konsolengeneration auf den Markt. Dies war auch der Zeitpunkt zu dem Claudia und Christian Wyler zum WoG-Team stiessen. Der Siegeszug des Mediums war nicht mehr aufzuhalten. Die erfolgreiche PlayStation 2 war vermutlich auch nicht ganz unschuldig, dass die DVD, die von Sony geschickt in die Konsole integriert wurde, der die in Jahre gekommen VHS-Kassette den endgültigen Todesstoss versetzte. 
Die immer grösseren Budgets der Entwickler wirkten sich zusätzlich positiv auf die Spielindustrie aus und liessen Spiele entstehen, die sich immer mehr mit teuren Hollywood-Blockbustern messen konnten. Spiele wurden erwachsen und mit ihnen auch die Spieler. World of Games überstand ebenfalls die Pubertät.
Dank einerseits Mund-zu-Mund-Propaganda, andererseits dem beliebten Internetportal sowie der Fachkenntnisse der Involvierten wuchs die Anzahl Mitarbeitender stetig an. Die Geschäftsräume mussten etliche Male erweitert oder gar gewechselt werden, um der wachsenden Nachfrage gerecht zu werden. Mit knapp 40 Angestellten hat WoG heute Dimensionen erreicht, von denen die beiden Gründer kaum zu träumen wagten!
Früher reichte eine kleine Ecke mit einem Tischchen zum Versenden der Ware aus. Heute stehen vier grosse Packtische bereit, um die vielen Pakete rechtzeitig versandbereit zu machen. Zu Beginn diente ein einfaches Regal als Lager. Heute kaum vorstellbar, denn WoG könnte in diesem Punkt nahezu mit einem schwedischen Möbelgiganten mithalten.
Was einst nur in Kinderzimmern zu finden war, hat den Weg in jede gute Stube gefunden. Schon längst vermögen es die Konsolen von Sony und Microsoft mehr als nur mit Games zu unterhalten. Die neueren Modelle sind inzwischen regelrechte Multimedia-Player. Internet, Blu-ray, Full-HD, Media-Player, Bewegungssteuerung, Digital- und Online-Gaming: all das steht für die Evolution der Videospielkonsolen.
WoG hat sich ebenso weiterentwickelt. Im Gleichzug mit den Konsolen wurde auch das Sortiment immer multimedialer. Zu dem erweiterten Spielwarensortiment haben sich Bücher dazugesellt. Das rund um die Uhr verfügbare Angebot von digitalen Games lässt World of Games in Zeiten von Streaming und Downloads nicht alt aussehen. 
2019 war es soweit: Das Ladengeschäft konnte ebenfalls die Strassenseite wechseln und neu in Unterentfelden auf der fünffachen Fläche Kundschaft empfangen. Auf dieser riesigen Spielwiese wurde Platz für die Neuzugänge im Sortiment geschaffen. Brettspiele, Figuren und weitere Spielwaren können ansprechend präsentiert werden. Auch Bücher, Comics und Mangas finden Raum im Laden und runden die Gestaltung optimal ab.
Die 27 Jahre vergingen wie im Flug – wir freuen uns auf viele weitere!
/alltag ()
Features of IMMANIS
2022-08-17 12:00:17


High resolution / 65536 colors
Smooth scrolling with foreground parralax
Smooth character / background animation

Hand drawn backgrounds
Full screen animated 3D sequences (over 10 minutes)
Orchestral music
Fast, intuitive interface
Day/night lightsources
Weather conditions (snow, rain, wind...)
2022-12-06 08:36:27
» Why did you pick the odd syntax?
To keep it simple to parse, I knew that each operation had to be a single character. Then it dawned on me just how unreadable this language would become, and it was at that point that I thought it would be fun to use more obscure symbols to make it crazy looking on purpose. The idea that you could have a collection of random-looking symbols, and that it would actually be useful, and implemented using such a small compiler got me excited :)
Tennis for two - radical
2022-05-21 14:44:35
Tennis for two is one of the most radiacal games ever. It has no ! avatar. At the moment the ball is on your field, you have the power to kick it in the direction, you want. So the game is more territorial based than avatar/npc-linked.
Mechanical Turk
2022-04-27 16:37:01
The Turk, also known as the Mechanical Turk or Automaton Chess Player (German: Schachtürke, lit. 'chess Turk'; Hungarian: A Török), was a fake chess-playing machine constructed in the late 18th century. From 1770 until its destruction by fire in 1854 it was exhibited by various owners as an automaton, though it was eventually revealed to be an elaborate hoax.[1]Constructed and unveiled in 1770 by Wolfgang von Kempelen (1734–1804) to impress Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, the mechanism appeared to be able to play a strong game of chess against a human opponent, as well as perform the knight's tour, a puzzle that requires the player to move a knight to occupy every square of a chessboard exactly once.
/Tracker ()
GameArt like other digital media art is distinguished by a technologically induced ephemerality as well as by a decentralised and therefore difficult longterm availability. More complicating, GameArt differentiates even further and orientiates itself towards earlier lines of game culture like play in backyards, malls and high streets. There is a wide range for designing, playing, and experi- encing GameArt that expands all the way back to a mode of playful experience and action. How can this wide range and depth of themes, interactive playing time, and game mechanisms possibly be archived and made accessible?
Archiving for a society with an open end, in other words a „ludic“ society, has to be determined by an open possibility of observing artistic instruments being developed in order to expand it fur- ther or contextualize it in a new way. The suggestion is to try to build an open and playful archive that includes involved parties and works (from a „knocked down“ curbstone pixel to a player) as well as bystanders (spectators) in a comprehensive setting. While there seem to be long known instances of recipients through whom art works only have been able to unfold their meaning (in play), artists with their possible intentions and, finally, the functional systems of society like sci- ence have to be included first. These instances would only be the first traces and layers among many in an open archive. Subsequently a new „philosophy of archiving“ will be drafted that origi- nates in specific phenomenons and questions of GameArt.
These emerging levels and models describe diverse and partly disagreeing strategies of GameArt. The works span from the game as a medium of artistic discourse to the outright subver- sive criticism of a pronounced „ludic“ society. Therefore a „Mille-Plateaux“-archive is at the same time the base we are standing on and the future we are developing (as a tool).
/beeet ()
/amicon ()
2022-11-28 14:16:48
Amicom joined SPREADPOINT in 1989 together with Depeche. He was active as coder of very different things from MMU tools to demos. What he liked best was to explore and develop new programming tricks that could be used in demos and other places.
Born 1968, grown up and living in Switzerland.
Todays occupation: finishing studies (natural science), running an internet company togehter with other ex-amiga freaks.
Demos: Lissa, Platin3D, Small.
Intros: Giana Sisters (trained by Depeche), Amegas (trained by Depeche).
Utilities: Blitter-Copy, List Manager, MMU expert, AFS File Scrambler, SPlay soundtracker player.
Other stuff: Atom Demo (unfinished), Platon's Polyhedra (unfinished), revival of HQC demos, GigaMem (a virtual memory extension to AmigaDOS), some work in TypeSmith (a outline font editor).
Depeche Mode, Kraftwerk, Simple Minds, Billy Idol, Pink Floyd, Pet Shop Boys, OMD, ...
there are two aspects came together in the universal computer. 
1. computing (sorting)
2. control (cases, if then, input)
before this were seperated functions in analoge maschines.
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